Scientific Publications |
Journal Papers:
1- H. Alzaq, B.B. Ustundag, ”An optimized 2-Level discrete wavelet implementation using residue number system”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 20182018:41, 25 June2018, doi: 10.1186/s13634-018-0559-3
2- H. Alzaq, B.B. Ustundag, “Very-low-SNR cognitive receiver based on wavelet preprocessed signal patterns and neural network”, EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communication and Networking, (2017), 1-17, doi:10.1186/s13638-017-0902-7
3- H.Alzaq, B.B.Ustundag, “A comparative analysis of 1-level multiplier-free discrete wavelet transform implementations on FPGAs”, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 26 (5), 2018, ISSN: 1300-0632, DOI: 10.3906/elk-1707-101
4- B. Ustundag, “An adaptive Mealy machine model for monitoring crop status”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2017, pp.252-265, doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61430-2
5- Refik Tanju Sirmen, Burak Berk Ustundag, “An information-theoretical approach to the information capacity and cost-effectiveness evaluation of color palettes” International Journal of Computing and Optimization, Vol. 4, 2017, no. 1, 43-51, doi: 10.12988/ijco.2017.759
6- B.Üstündağ, O.Orcay, “A pattern construction scheme for Neural Network Based Cognitive Communication”, Entropy, international and interdisciplinary journal of entropy and information studies, Vol.13, pp.64-81, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, January, 2011, DOI:10.3390/e13010064, ISSN:1099-4300
7- E.Ozelkan, G.Chen, B.Ustundag, “Multiscale object-based drought monitoring and comparison in rainfed and irrigated agriculture from Landsat 8 OLI imagery”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Articles, Elsevier, Vol.44, pp 159-170, February, 2016, doi:10.1016/j.jag.2015.08.003
8- B.Üstündağ, İ.Eksin, A.Bir, “A new approach to global optimization using a closed loop control system with fuzzy logic controller”, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 33, pp.309-318, Elsevier Science Ltd., London, October, 2002, DOI:10.1016/S0965-9978(02)00036-4, ISSN:0965-9978
9- E.Ozelkan, G.Chen, B.Ustundag, “Spatial estimation of wind speed: a new integrative model using inverse distance weighting and power law”, International Journal of Digital Earth, Taylor and Francis, Oxford, England, 15 January 2016, ISSN: 1753-8947, DOI:10.1080/17538947.2015.1127437
10- E.Özelkan, S.Bagis, E.Özelkan, B.B.Üstündağ, M.Yücel, C.Örmeci, “Spatial interpolation of climatic variables using land surface temperature and modified inverse distance weighting”, Int.Journal of Remote Sensing, ISSN:1366-5901, Volume 36, 2015 - Issue 4, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1007248
11- E Ozelkan, S Bagis, EC Ozelkan, BB Ustundag, C Ormeci, “Land surface temperature retrieval for climate analysis and association with climate data”
, European Journal of Remote Sensing 47 (1), 655-669, 2014,
12- S.Özerdem, B.Üstündağ, M.Demirer, “Self Organized Maps Based Neural Networks for Detection of Possible Earthquake Precursory Electric Field Patterns” , Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier Science Ltd., London, 2005, Vol.37, pp 207-217, DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2005.07.004, ISSN:0965-9978
13- A.Norouzi, B.Ustundag ”A Novel Routing Protocol with High Energy Performance in Mobile Special Networks”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.7, Issue1, pp.108-113, Science Publications, 2011, DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2011.108.113, ISSN 1549-3636
14- B.Üstündağ, Ö.Kalenderli, H.Eyidoğan “Multilayer capacitor model of the Earth’s Upper Crust”, Elektrik – Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Special issue of ELECO 2003, Vol.13. No:1, pp 163-173, Tübitak, 2005, ISSN 1399-0632
15- A.Norouzi, B.Ustundag, “Improvement of DSR protocol using group broadcasting”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security”, Vol.10, No:6, pp. 316-324, Seoul, 2010 (Based on Cutse2009 selected article), ISSN : 1738-7906
16- A.Norouzi, A.H. Zaim , B.B. Ustundag, “An integrated survey in Optical Networks: Concepts,Components and Problems”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.11 No.1, pp.10-26, January 2011, ISSN : 1738-7906
17- O.Orcay, B.Ustundag, “Pattern Based Communication System and Its Performance Characteristics Compared to the Matched Filtering”, Journal of Computer Science, Vol.7 Issue1, pp.12-16, Science Publications, 2011, DOI:10.3844/jcssp.2011.12.16, ISSN 1549-3636
18- O.Özcan, N. Musaoglu, B.Üstündağ, “Crop water requirement estimation of wheat cultivated fields by remote sensing and GIS”, Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.12 (1), pp289-293, 2014, ISSN: 1459-0263
19- L.Di, B. Üstündağ, Z. Chen, Z. Yang, “Guest Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue on Agro-Geoinformatics: Monitoring, Prediction, and Decision Support”, December 2017 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 10(12):5331-5333, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2778858
20- Zhengwei Yang, Wen-bin WU, Liping Di, Berk Üstündağ, “Remote sensing for agricultural applications”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2017, Pages 239-241,
Published Conference Papers:
21- A.Kulaglic, B.Üstündağ “Stock Price Forecast using Wavelet Transformations in Multiple Time Windows and Neural Networks”, 2018 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK), September 2018, DOI: 10.1109/UBMK.2018.8566614
22- A.Kulaglic, B.Üstündağ “Stock Index Forecasting using Wavelet Decomposed Neural Networks”, 2018, Computational Methods and Telecommunication in Electrical Engineering and Finance, May 6-9, 2018, Sarajevo, BiH
23- A.Kulaglic, B.Üstündağ, S.Bağış, “Spatiotemporal soil moisture estimation for agricultural drought risk management”, AgroGeoInformatics, pp76-81, 2013, Fairfax, USA, DOI:10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621883
24- M.Ucer, O.Güneş, Y.Cakir, B.Üstündağ 'Detection of oranges in outdoor conditions’, AgroGeoInformatics, pp500-503, 2013, Fairfax, USA, DOI: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621971
25- E.Özelkan, M.Yücel, S.Bağış, B.Üstündağ, Land surface temperature - Based spatial interpolation using a modified Inverse Distance Weighting method', AgroGeoInformatics, pp110-115, 2013, Fairfax, USA, DOI: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621890
26- Serdar Bağış, B.Üstündağ, “A Spatiotemporal Synthetic NDVI generation model for Agricultural Fields”, AgroGeoInformatics 2013, pp82-86., Fairfax, USA, Doi: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621884
27- T.Altan, B.Üstündağ, “Reconstruction of Missing Meteorological Data Using Wavelet Transform”, Agro-GeoInformatics 2012, Shanghai, China, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2495-3, DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2012.6311644
28- U.Algancı, E.Sertel, Ş.Kaya, B.Üstündağ, 'A Research on Agricultural Mapping Capabilities of the SPOT 6 Satellite Images', AgroGeoInformatics, pp93-96,2013, Fairfax, USA, DOI:10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621886
29- S.Bağış, B.Üstündağ, E.Özelkan, “An Adaptive Spatiotemporal Agricultural Cropland Temperature Prediction System Based on Ground and Satellite Measurements”, Agro-GeoInformatics 2012, Shanghai, China, ISBN: 978-1-4673-2495-3 DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2012.6311642
30- S.Bağış, B.Üstündağ, “Image Based Automated Phenological Stage Detection of Cereal Plants”, Agro-GeoInformatics 2012, Shanghai, China, , ISBN: 978-1-4673-2495-3, DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2012.6311643
31- Husam Alzaq, B.Berk Üstündağ, “Wavelet Preprocessed Neural Network Based Receiver for Low SNR Communication System”, European Wireless 2015 21th European Wireless ConferencE, May, 20-22, 2017, ISBN 978-3-8007-3976-9
32- H.Alzaq,B.Ustundag, “Multiplier-less 1-Level Discrete Wavelet Transform Implementations on ZC206 development kit”, ELECO 2017, 10th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bursa, Turkey, 30th Nov-2nd Dec 2017.
33- A. F. Aktaş, B.Berk Üstündağ, “Phenology based NDVI time-series compensation for yield estimation analysis”, 6th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, Doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2017.8047038, Fairfax, USA, August 2017
34- A.Kulaglic, B.Üstündağ “Spatio-temporal soil moisture estimation using neural network with wavelet preprocessing” 6th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics, Doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2017.8047042, Fairfax, USA, August 2017
35- S.Şentürk, Z. Çakır, B.Üstündağ, “The Potential of Sentinel-1A Interferometric SAR Data in Monitoring of Surface Subsidence caused by Overdrafting Groundwater in Agricultural Areas”, IEEE AgroGeoInformatics 2016, July 18-20, Tianjin, China
36- S.Bostan, M.A. Ortak, Ç. Tuna, A. Akoğuz, E. Sertel, B. Üstündağ, ”Comparison of classification accuracy of co located hyperspectral and multispectral images for agricultural purposes”, 2016 Fifth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics), Doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2016.7577671
37- A. Kulaglic B.Üstündağ, “Neural network with wavelet preprocessing for wheat growth stage estimation” 2016 Fifth International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics), Doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2016.7577618
38- S.Senturk, S Bagis, B.B.Ustundag, “Application of remote sensing techniques in locating dry and irrigated farmland parcels” Agro-Geoinformatics 2014, DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2014.6910630
39- B. Üstündağ, S. Bağış, M.Yücel, S.N. Hekim, M. Sarıkaya, “Maximum entropy based modeling of bioelectrical circuit morphologies”, 3rd International Winterschool of Bioelectronics, (extended abstract with oral presentation) Kitzbühel, Austria, March 2016.
40- B. Üstündağ, S. Şentürk, “Parcel based air humidity trend analysis based on meteorological and phenological data obtained from a robo-stations subset of TARBIL's network”, Agro-Geoinformatics 2015, pp298-302, doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2015.7248085
41- İ.Sönmez, B.B. Üstündağ, S. Bağış, A. Çetin, “Agro-meteorological data Quality Control System design for Turkey's agricultural monitoring and information system (TARBIL)” Agro-geoinformatics 2015, DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2015.7248118
42- S. Bağış, E.S. Köksal, B. Üstündağ, “Large Area Evapotranspiration Mapping System”. Agro-GeoInformatics 2015, 20-24th July 2015, İstanbul, Turkey, pp11-15. Doi: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2015.7248134
43- A.Kulaglic, B.Üstündağ, “Effect of Soil Property Change on Soil Moisture Profile Estimation Through Data Fusion”, Agro-Geoinformatics 2015, 20-24th July 2015, İstanbul, Turkey, pp178-184. DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2015.7248131
44- B.Y. Çelik, E.Sertel, B.Üstündağ, “Identification Of Corn And Cotton Fields Using Muititemporal SPOT6 NDVI Data”, Agro-GeoInformatıcs 2015, 20-24th July 2015, İstanbul, Turkey, pp23-28, DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2015.7248136
45- M.Karaman, E.Sertel, S.Kaya, B.Ustundag, “Determination of the Cultivated Tobacco Fields Using SPOT-6 Satellite Images: a Case Study in Tavas Plain Denizli, Turkey”, The XXV FIG International Congress 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16-21 June, 2014
46- U.Algancı, E.Sertel, Ş.Kaya, B.Üstündağ, “An Automated Image Rectification Approach using Scale Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm”, AgroGeoInformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA
47- F.S.Babamir, A.Norouzi, B.B.Ustundag “A Genetic Algorithm based Approach Focused on Maintenance Methodology in Wireless Sensor Network”, World Conference on Information Technology, WCIT 2010, Bahçeşehir University, 6-10 October, 2010
48- F.S.Babamir, E.Amini, S.M.Babamir, A.Norouzi, B.B.Ustundag, “Genetic Algorithm and Software Testing based on Independent Path Concept”, WORLDCOMP'10 - Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, GEM 2010, pp180-186, July 12-15, 2010, Las Vegas Nevada
49- A.Norouzi, M.Dabbaghian, A.Hatamizadeh, B.Ustundag, F.Amiri, " An improved ELGossiping Data Distribution Technique with Emphasis on Reliability and Resource Constraints in Wireless Sensor Network", IEEE-2nd International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology, ICECT2010, pp.179-183, Malaysia, 2010, DOI:10.1109/ICECTECH.2010.5479964
50- B.Üstündağ, K.Odabaşı, A.Norouzi, "Design of an Interactive Humanoid Character for Multimodal Communication", ICCEA2010, IEEE-2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol:1, pp.151-155, Bali, Indonesia, March 26-29, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/ICCEA.2010.37, ISBN:978-1-4244-6079-3
51- A.Norouzi, B.Üstündağ, "Mobile Special Networks: Improvement of DSR protocol using group broadcasting" Cutse 2009, pp.101-108, Curtin Univ. Sarawak, Malaysia, 24-25 November, 2009
52- Ö.ORCAY, B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “Pattern Recognition in Cognitive Communication”, International Symposium on Computers and Information Systems ISCIS 2008, pp1-6, October 27-29, Istanbul, 2008, DOI: 10.1109/ISCIS.2008.4717870, ISBN 978-1-4244-2880-9
53- B.Üstündağ, O.Orcay, “Pattern based coding for Cognitive Communication”, Third International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications, IEEE-Crowncom2008, pp.1-6, Singapore, May 15-17, 2008, DOI: 10.1109/CROWNCOM.2008.4562494, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2301-9
54- M.KAMAŞAK, B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ “Terrain Signature Based Navigation” ELECO’2007, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, December 5-8, Bursa, 2007
55- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, C.ERGÜN, “Performance Improvement of an automated media content recognition system”, ELECO’2007 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, December 5-8, Bursa, 2007
56- B.Üstündağ, O.Kalenderli, H.Eyidoğan, “Electrostatic Imaging for Detection of Earthquake Precursory Structural Changes”, European Seismological Congress, ESC2006, pp128, ID1623, Geneva, 3-8 September, 2006
57- B.Üstündağ, O.Kalenderli, H.Eyidoğan, “Determination of Structural Variations in Time and Space by Capacitive Coupling”, European Seismological Congress, ESC2004, Potsdam, Abstract book 150, CD: pp1-6, Germany, 12-17th September, 2004
58- A.Terliksiz, B.Ustundag, “Environmental Monitoring Network Design For Real Time Risk Indexing“, Int’l conference on Ad Hoc networks, MedHoc2004, pp175-183, Bodrum, June 27-30, 2004
59- O.K.Erol, B.Ustundag, “Detection of anomaly signal patterns using a parallel hybrid-neuro-evolutionary algorithm”, Proceedings of the APIS 3rd Asia Pacific International Symposium on Information Technology, pp42-47, Istanbul, January 13-14, 2004
60- B.Üstündağ, Ö.Kalenderli, H.Eyidoğan, “Multilayer Capacitor Model of Earth’s Upper Crust”, ELECO’2003 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp255-259, Bursa, 2-7 December, 2003
61- B.Üstündağ, Ö.Kalenderli, “A Monopolar Electrostatic Probe for Geophysical Electric Field Measurements”, ELECO'2003 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp 250-254, Bursa, 2-7 December, 2003
62- S.Özerdem, O.K.Erol, B.Üstündağ, “Training of a Wavelet Preprocessed Neural Network For Detection of Anomaly Signal Patterns by using a Modified Evolutionary Algorithm”, ELECO’2003, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, pp 193-197, Bursa, 3-7 December, 2003
63- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, O.K.EROL, “Fuzzy global optimization method for parallel computation”, International Conference on Applied Informatics, AI2003, pp1179-1184, Innsbruck, February, 2003, ISSN: 1027-2666, CD ISBN: 0-88986-341-5
64- B.Üstündağ, S.Özerdem, H.Eyidoğan, “Earthquake prediction using a new monopolar electric field probe”, European Seismological Congress (ESC2002), IASPEI/IUGG, pp 40/Abstracts Book, ID: SS-2-09-O/Papers CD, Genoa, 1-6 September, 2002
65- M.F. Yazar, E.Ozelkan, B.Üstündağ, “Multi-parameter spatial interpolation of solar radiation in heterogeneous structured agricultural areas” , IEEE Agro-geoinformatics, 2014 DOI: 10.1109/Agro-Geoinformatics.2014.6910636
· Posters, Abstracts and other papers:
66- A.Kulaglic, B.Üstündağ, “Effect of Soil Property Change Through Data Fusion and Deep Learning Techniques”, Agro-geoinformatics 2018, Hangzhou, China
67- B.Üstündağ, Ö.Kalenderli, “A New Vectoral Monopolar Electrode System For Measurement of Earthquake Precursory Electric Field Patterns”, European Seismological Commission, 1st International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction, Athens, 6-7 November, 2003.
68- B.Üstündağ, S.Özerdem, “Neural network based electric field pattern recognition for earthquake prediction”, European Seismological Congress (ESC2002), IASPEI/IUGG, pp 173/Abstracts Book, ID: SCB-3-07-O/Papers CD , Genoa, 1-6 September, 2002
69- B.Üstündağ, Ö.Kalenderli, H.Eyidoğan, “Multi-layer Capacitor Model of the Upper Crust for Evaluation of Geo-Electric Field Changes in Seismic Risk Assessment”, European Seismological Commission, 1st International Workshop on Earthquake Prediction Athens, 6-7 November, 2003.
70- B.Üstündağ, S.Özerdem, H.Eyidoğan, “Earthquake forecast by monopolar electric field measurement”, 1st International Symposium of The Faculty of Mines on Earth Sciences and Engineering, pp 244, İstanbul, 16-18 May, 2002.
71- B.Üstündağ, S.Özerdem, H.Eyidoğan, O.Gündoğdu, “Monopolar Electric Field Measurements and their Correlation to Earthquakes on the Western Part of North Anatolian Fault”, Int.Congress on North Anatolian Fault, Ankara, September 2003.
72- B.Ustundag, H.Eyidogan, “Evaluation of electric field changes with respect to multi-layer capacitor model for earthquake forecast”, IUGG2003, June 2003.
73- A.Terliksiz, B.Ustundag, “Hybrid Geophysical Monitoring Network For Real Time Data Fusion & Forecast”, ESC 2004, pp 65, Germany, 12-17th September, 2004
74- B.Ustundag, O.Gundogdu, “An Internet Based Earthquake Prediction Performance Measurement System”, European Seismological Congress, ESC2006, pp114, Geneva 2006
75- B.Üstündağ “Pre-Harvest Crop Yield Prediction System in Turkey”, Agro-GeoInformatics 2012, Shanghai, China
76- B.Üstündağ, 'An Adaptive Crop Yield Prediction Model for Real Time Agricultural Information Services', AgroGeoInformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA
77- H.Erden, B.Üstündağ, S.Şentürk, 'Large Scale Consolidation of Agricultural Monitoring and Information Services in Turkey’, AgroGeoInformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA
78- S.Bağış, B.Üstündağ, “Time Shift Compensation of NDVI data originated from remote sensing satellite”, Agro-GeoInformatics 2012, Shanghai, China
79- U.Alganci, E.Sertel, S.Kaya, B.Üstündağ, ”A Comparative Accuracy Analysis of Classification Methods in Determination of Cultivated Lands with Spot 5 Satellite Imagery”, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2013
Book/Chapter Authorship / Editorship : |
80- H.Alzaq, B.Ustundag, “A Comparative Analysis of Multiplier-less Discrete Wavelet Transform Implementations”, Wavelet Theory and Its Applications, Intech Open, 2018, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76522
81- B.Ustundag, “Earthquake Precursory Electric Field Signatures”, Future Systems For Earthquake Early Warning, Chapter 7, pp129-155, (Kitapta bölüm yazarlığı) , Editors:Ü.Ulusoy, H.Kunda, Nova Science Publishers, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-60456-795-3
82- L.Di, B.Ustundag, “Journal of Integrative Agriculture – Agro Geoinformatics Special Issue”, Editorship, Elsevier, 2016
83- L.Di, B.Ustundag, “Agro-geoinformatics: Theory and Practice”, book editorship, Newyork, Springer (2018 – contracted, not published yet)
84- L.Di, B.Ustundag, “IEEE Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing – Agro Geoinformatics Special Issue”, IEEE JSTARS, guest editorship, IEEE 2017
Invited speaker/Keynote Speech:
85- B.Üstündağ, “Geospatial Data Services for IoT Based Smart Irrigation Systems”, Agro-geoinformatics 2018, Hangzhou, China
86- B.Ustundag, “Integrated Agricultural Monitoring and Information Systems”, Keynote Speech, IEEE Agro-geoinformatics conference, İstanbul July 2015
87- B.Ustundag, “Earthquake forecast by electrostatic stress tracing”, International Workshop on Space & Satellite Technology applications for earthquake Prediction”, Kandilli Earthquake Research Institute, İstanbul, 1-2February, 2005.
88- B.Ustundag, “Current Status of Emergency Communication Systems in Turkey”, Center of Excellence for Emergency Management, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul 6th June 2006
89- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “Agricultural Information Systems”, General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, Antalya/Turkey, March 2013
90- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “TARBİL Yield Forecast System”, General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, Antalya, 2012
91- B.Ustundag, “TARBiL sensor network and data fusion system for continuous time crop yield monitoring in Turkey”, JRC – MARS Unit, E&IA Workshop on crop yield forecasting in South East Europe, Skopje, 2013
92- B.Ustundag, “TARBİL Sensor Network & Data Fusion System For Continuous Time Crop Yield Monitoring System”, JRC, 20th MARS Conference - 19/20 November 2014 - Dresden, Germany,
93- B.Ustundag, “Geoinformation and vertical integration for Agricultural Management”, Keynote Speech, IEEE Agro-geoinformatics conference, Tianjin, July 2016
· National Papers:
94- M.Yücel, B.Üstündağ, "Sayısal Veri ve Kaynak Kodu Emanetçilik Sistemi", Ulusal Yazılım Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, UYMS 2009, sf 243-246, 8-10 Ekim, 2009
95- S.Özerdem, C.Sönmez, B.Üstündağ, “Anomali Örüntülerinin Yapay Sinir Ağlarıyla Öğrenilmesi ve Öngörüde Kullanımı”, Sinyal İşleme ve Uygulamaları Kurultayı (SİU2002), Denizli, Mayıs, 2002
96- B.Üstündağ, A.Bir, İ.Eksin, “Bulanık Kontrolör ile Yeni Bir Global Optimizasyon Yöntemi”, TOK’98 Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantısı, sf.109-114, 15-16 Ekim 1998
97- T.Tanju, B.Üstündağ, “Kuvvet Alanı Yöntemini Kullanan Taşıma Robotlarının Simülasyonu“ , 1 nci Sistem Mühendisliği ve Savunma Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, sf.1014-1021, Kara Harp Okulu, Ankara, 12-13 Ekim, 1995
98- B.Üstündağ, C.Erdal, “Utrasonik Seviye Ölçümünde Yankı Süresinin Değerlendirilmesi“, Elektrik Mühendisliği 5. Ulusal Kongresi, Cilt3, sf.917-920, KTÜ, Trabzon, 13-18 Eylül, 1993
99- B. Üstündağ ,S. Kurtulan, “Programlanabilir Kontrolörler (PLC) için Bir Sentez Yöntem“,Elektrik Mühendisliği 5. Ulusal Kongresi, Cilt1, sf.75-78, KTÜ, Trabzon, 13-18 Eylül, 1993
100- Orkan Özcan, Nebiye Musaoğlu, Yusuf Kurucu, B.Üstündağ, Cankut Örmeci, “Buğday Bitkisinin Farklı Ekim Bölgelerindeki Gelişim Düzeyinin Bilgi Teknolojileri ile İncelenmesi,” TMMOB Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Kongresi, 2011
· Technical Magazines:
101- J.Abe B.USTUNDAG, “A Data as a Service (DaaS) Model for GPU-based Data Analytics”, 2018, arXiv:1802.01639v1
102- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “Protection from Electrical Noise at High Precision Measurement Systems“, Automation Magazine-Turkey, April, 1997
103- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “RFID Components“, Automatic identification and data acquisition systems magazine-Turkey, March, 1996
104- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “Earthquake precursory electric signals”, Focus Popular Science Magazine-Turkey, October, 2004.
105- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “Survey of electonic weighing systems“,Automation magazine, April, 1996
106- B.Üstündağ, “A new electronic way faring system“,Automatic identification and data acquisition systems magazine, October, 1994
107- B.ÜSTÜNDAĞ, “review on Modern Microcontrollers“,Automation Magazine-Turkey, Mayıs, 1993
108- IEEE Agro-geoinformatics 2015 (Istanbul) Conference conference co-chair /proc.editor
109- IEEE Agro-geoinformatics 2016 (Tianjin) Conference technical com.chair
Patent Applications: |
Filing no: |
Awards: |
1- Outstanding young scientist of the year (JCI), 2003
2- ASME (Turkey Section) 2004
3- İTÜ Rectorate, (contribution to development, 1996-2000)
4- Province Governership, 2001
5- Professional of the year – Rotary Istanbul 2002
6- Air Force Academy, Service Award, 2000
Projects : |
Research and Industrial Projects : 120+, currently cont.: 3
(Tubitak, Min.of Development, Worldbank, Defense, EU, US, JP & industrial contracts)
Technical consultancies : 20+, currently cont.: 2
PhD / MsC Thesis Advisory : 20+, currently cont.: 7
1- Proje Grup Yöneticisi Tarımsal Rekolte İzleme ve Tahmin (TARİT) Sistemi Projesi, DPT Destek no: 2000A020010, (Genel Koordinatör: Prof.Dr.Cankut Örmeci), Projenin Sahibi: Tarımsal Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü 1.Faz:2008-2011,
2- Proje yürütücüsü: Tarımsal Bilgi ve İzleme Sistemi (TARBİL) DPT Destek no: 2011A020090, Proje yürütme grubu: Tarım Reformu Genel Müdürlüğü/DMİ/TÜİK/İTÜ , , 2011-2014 Bileşenler: Zirai Erken Uyarı Sistemi (ZEUS), Uydu Görüntü İşleme ve Paylaşım Platformu Geliştirilmesi (UGİP), Verim İzleme Sistemi (VERİS), Kuraklık İzleme Sistemi (KURİS)
3- Proje müellifi ve Araştırıcı: Dokunmatik Kredili Bilet Sistemi (AKBİL), KOSGEB, (Yürütücü: Prof.Dr.Atilla Bir), 1993
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7- Araştırıcı: Yapay Uz Tasarımı, İTÜ BAP Birimi, Yürütücü: Prof.Dr.Atilla Bir, 1992-1994
8- Yürütücü: Yazılım Eserleri Sayısal Emanetçilik Sistemi Geliştirilmesi, İTÜ İleri Teknolojiler Programı, 2006-2009
9- Proje Danışmanı: İstanbul Afet İletişim ve Bilgi Sistemi, ISMEP, Dünya Bankası, İstanbul Valiliği, 2001-2006
10- Proje Danışmanı: Kocaeli Afet ve Acil Durum Komuta Kontrol Merkezi, Kocaeli İl Özel İdaresi, 2010-2011
11- Araştırıcı: Yük hücreli endüstriyel tartım sistemleri (otomatik reçete ve dozajlama sistemi) geliştirilmesi, 1992-1996, İTÜ KOSGEB
12- Proje Danışmanı: Elektronik Döküman Yönetim Sistemi, EB Grup, Tübitak-Teydeb, 2006-2007
13- Proje Danışmanı: Yüksek Başarımlı Deri Altı Parmak İzi Tanıma Sistemi, Formul Bilgisayar, KOSGEB, 2005-2007
14- Proje Danışmanı: Ses imzasından yayın içeriklerinin tanınma ve raporlanması, Formül Bilgisayar, Tübitak-Teydeb, 2007-2009
15- Kocaeli monoray ulaşım sistemi proje ve fizibilite çalışması
16- TMO Afyon Alkaloid Fabrikası güvenlik sistemi projesi
17- Danışman: Elektronik Belge yönetim sistemi